One year of DataHub

Creator and chairman Marieke Schulte looks back

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7 min
01 Nov 2022

The DataHub celebrates its first anniversary this week. Through the foundation, Digital Power is committed to promoting data literacy within society. How has the first year gone? interviewed Marieke about it.

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Datahub projects

doctor with stethoscope

Target group research for new website

The organisation Doctors of the World offers medical assistance to people in a vulnerable position. They often do not know how to find their way in the Dutch healthcare system. Doctors of the World helps them with this. One of the channels to get informed about the work of Doctors of the World is the website, which will be redesigned.

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Children who participated in a designathon

Making impact measurable

The Designathon Works foundation organises Design Hackathons (Designathons) for children aged 8 to 12. The target? Teaching children from all over the world skills to become a 'changemaker'. They are challenged to design solutions for a better world, for example to combat climate change. From the Datahub, we helped Designathon Works fine-tune the impact measurements free of charge. We also made a first move towards automating data collection, analysis and visualisation.

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COVID violence tracker

The COVID-19 Violence Tracker

The outbreak of the corona pandemic in early 2020 has turned the world upside down. In addition to countless infections, hospitalisations and deaths, we also saw an outbreak of violence in many countries. Citizens took to the streets, sometimes violently, to protest against the measures taken, but domestic violence also increased in many places and fear and frustration played a role in racism.

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collega's in gesprek

Digital Power Datahub and Partos launch the Data Awareness series

On February 10, 2022, the Digital Power Datahub and the Partos Digital Lab together kicked off the Data Awareness series with the Intro to Data Awareness. This series of 6 training courses develops the Datahub especially for the members of Partos; non-profits in the development cooperation industry. The aim of the series is to make development cooperation specialists data-wise, so that they can make and measure more impact.

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Data literacy for high school students

We can no longer ignore it: our society runs on and is about data. From small to large amounts of data, data about our purchasing behaviour, our health, our WhatsApp messages and our political preferences: data is used to make our lives easier, more fun and more predictable. Sounds good, right?

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Digital Power launches its own charity for social impact

We set up our own foundation, through which we work for social impact on a pro bono basis. wrote an article about it.

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The Digital Power Datahub, what exactly is it?

The Datahub: what exactly is it, which projects do we carry out and what do we want to achieve with it? Marloes interviewed Marieke, chair of the Datahub, about this in the podcast 'From data to action'! Listen to the podcast or read the article below.

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