Transform your data into actionable insights with server-side tracking

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Improve your data accuracy and protect user privacy by implementing server-side tracking. Let's transform your data into actionable insights and gain comprehensive understanding of your user interactions.

Solve your challenges, implement server-side tracking

  • Overcome ad-blocking challenges by sending it to your own domain
  • Enrich your data through a large server capacity
  • Utilise your marketing budget efficiently
  • Have more control over the data you send to third party companies
server-side tracking expert talking to a client

Related cases & articles

what is not server-side tracking

What is not server-side tracking?

Server-side tracking is becoming a hot topic among agencies, marketeers and analysts. A lot of information is available on the subject, but it is not always accurate. Server-side tracking has often been sold as a miracle solution against data loss, GDPR and other unethical challenges.

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third-party-cookies - image of a cookie

Third-party cookies: should I stay, or should I go?

In recent months there has been a lot to do about third-party cookies and their not-so-imminent-anymore end-of-life in the Google Chrome browser. Is this then much to do about nothing or should you brace yourself for a paradigm-changing shift? In this article we will lift the veil over this important topic. Also, we’ll share 7 hands-on tips to prepare yourself for what’s coming.

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How can you tell if your GTM tagging server works?

There are reasons abound for deploying a tagging server on your website. This blog will not be about why it makes sense (or why perhaps in your case it doesn’t) to use server-side tagging. Instead we will jump forward in time and ask ourselves another pertinent question: ‘how can you tell if your tagging server is doing what it is supposed to?’

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How do you collect data while protecting the privacy of EU citizens?

The world of web analytics is constantly changing due to technological and legal developments. One significant event in the field of technical web analytics is the introduction of server-side tagging, which allows companies to have full control over their data flows.

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The impact of ITP on analytics and the user experience​

Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) was launched by Apple in 2017 in an effort to restore "the balance the balance between privacy and the need for on-device data storage". With Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Apple aims to reduce cross-site tracking (following users across websites) by limiting the use of cookies. Find out what this means for you.

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unive blog

Integration web and app data contributes to a 360-degree customer view

Univé is a Dutch insurance company that offers insurance, financial products, and services to both consumers and businesses. The company is focused on providing high-quality service and helping customers make responsible financial decisions. Since 2014, we have been working closely with Univé.

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Want to make a well-informed decision?

Dive into the answers to the most asked questions about server-side tracking with Digital Power as your data partner.

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Let's discuss server-side tracking for your organisation

Still have questions, or are you ready to discuss your challenges and needs? Stefan would be happy to discuss the opportunities of server-side tracking with you.