Lean Six Sigma project for optimisation of change management process

Telecom provider

  • Customer case
  • Research
  • Customer Experience
  • Data projects
telco background
Reimer van de Pol
Business Manager
3 min
11 Aug 2023

A Dutch telecom provider sought to examine and enhance their change management process using Lean Six Sigma. The objective was to maximise successful changes in hardware and software, evaluate risks, inform customers, and conduct assessments. The telco aimed to strengthen operational stability, streamline network and IT maintenance, foster innovation, and optimise service delivery.

Our data and research specialist led the Lean Six Sigma project to simplify the process, make it more robust, and reduce incidents. Pain points and improvement opportunities were identified for quality assurance and a better customer experience.


The project consisted of four distinct steps:

Step 1 - Current situation investigation: We first mapped the current situation by reviewing previous studies and documentation. Then, we collaborated with change managers and stakeholders to create a value stream map. In this, we outlined the process steps and documented what is done in each step and which systems are used. We also made process time, waiting time, waste (also referred to as scrap), and defects visible. This provided a clear picture of the most significant improvement opportunities.

Step 2 - Stakeholder input and quantitative data analysis: We sent a questionnaire to stakeholders to gather input on improvement points and challenges within the change process. Additionally, we performed an analysis of quantitative data, investigating, for example, the frequency of certain pain points.

Step 3 - Pain points and solution directions: We organised brainstorming sessions to generate potential solution directions for the pain points and formulated recommendations to address them. For each solution (hypothesis), we carefully analysed the benefits, drawbacks, impact, risks, required resources, and timelines.

Step 4 - Future state: Ultimately, we brainstormed the future state of the change management process. Here, we applied the SCAMPER method. This is a brainstorming technique that helps teams develop or improve products or services. As a final step, we outlined various scenarios for the future change management process.


Significant improvement opportunities emerged from the change management process. One of the key opportunities is to automate current manual tasks. This will lead to greater efficiency and job satisfaction among employees.

Furthermore, there is room for improvement in data quality. This can be achieved by aligning definitions, reducing missing or incorrect data points, and making certain fields mandatory for better interpretation.

It has become evident that the current process no longer aligns with changing customer needs. With Agile working teams and considerably shorter lead times, this offers the opportunity to revise and optimise the process.

The Lean Six Sigma project has yielded valuable insights and concrete recommendations. We developed business cases and hypotheses, and outlined future scenarios. This enables the telco to further develop, enhance, and test the proposed solutions based on the recommendations and insights. The change management process will thus become more efficient, effective, and better aligned with the needs of customers and employees.

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