De beste Python-projectmanagers vergelijken

Een uitgebreide gids voor moderne tools

  • Artikel
  • Data Engineering
python project managers
Roy Klip
Data Engineer
8 min
09 Aug 2024

In de steeds veranderende wereld van Python is het belangrijk om pakketten, omgevingen en versies efficiënt te beheren. Traditionele tools zoals pip en conda hebben ons goed gediend, maar naarmate projecten complexer worden, nemen ook onze eisen toe. Deze Engelstalige gids kijkt naar moderne alternatieven - Poetry, PDM, Hatch en Rye - die elk unieke mogelijkheden bieden om Python projectbeheer te stroomlijnen.

Comparison framework

To compare Python project managers, we came up with four categories:

  • Package management: This evolves around installing, updating and uninstalling (external) Python packages. Using packages avoids reinventing the wheel and provides the liberty to use an arsenal of utility functions that have been used and tested by other developers.
    Example tools: pip, conda
  • Environment management: Virtual environments are isolated sets of packages and have become an essential part in Python programming. They avoid system pollution, sidestep dependency conflicts and increase reproducibility.
    Example tools: venv, virtualenv
  • Package development: This includes building and publishing packages to an index. This makes them available for other developers to use, either privately within a company or as an open source package for the Python community.
    Example tools: setuptools, twine
  • Python version management: Just as with package management, managing global and per-project Python versions ensures compatibility and increases reproducibility.
    Example tools: pyenv
Comparison overview of four managers

Why not pip?

Most Python developers use pip for their package management and quite logically so, pip is easy to use and comes preinstalled with Python 3.4 and later. However, pip is quite limited. It lets you install packages into your environment but does not control your environment. It also lacks tools for building and developing your own packages and it is unable to manage Python installations. For those reasons we wanted to try something else.

Why not Conda?

Conda  is a powerful tool that has a strong foundation within the data science community. It supports multiple languages beside Python and can therefore be used in multilingual projects. Furthermore, it not only manages packages, but also virtual environments and even Python installations.

However, there are reasons why we didn't look at Conda:

  1. Package source: Conda installs packages from the Anaconda distribution, while pip and the other tools install them from PyPI. While the Anaconda distribution has some advantages for data science packages, such as the MKL-accelerated version of numpy, the number of packages that are available is significantly lower than that of PyPI.
  2. Compatibility issues: Closely related to this, the Conda packages are not compatible with the PyPI packages, meaning that pip or the other package installers can't install them. Therefore, if Conda was chosen, it would be harder to switch to something else later on.
  3. Commercial use: Lastly, there is also uncertainty around using Conda for commercial use since the Anaconda Distribution is not free to use for companies with more than 200 employees.

Python project managers

For this analysis, we compared four project managers: Poetry, PDM, Hatch and Rye, which will be scored based on the comparison framework. We scored the tools both on a high-level, representing if it has enough functionality in the category, and on a per-feature-level, which contains a deepdive of the features in every category.

Overlapping features

Before we dive into the specific characteristics of each tool, there are some overlapping features.

Package management

  • Usage of pyproject.toml file for configurations. The pyproject.toml has become the standard meta data file since PEP621, as an alternative for setup.cfg and
  • Dependency version specification according to  PEP440. Even though these specifiers can be used in a requirements.txt as well, the going-to-be-discussed tools have a harder focus on using well-defined version requirements.
  • Dependency groups, either as optional groups or tool-specific dev groups, which are separated sets of dependencies that can be installed on top of the required dependencies.

Environment management

  • Virtual environments located in the project-root. This is the default location for virtual environments in general and will be referred to as the classical way.

Package development

  • Being able to use a PEP517 build backend.
  • CLI commands for building and publishing packages.
Dependency version specifiers
Dependency version specifiers
Optional dependency group
Optional dependency group

The features that will be mentioned per project manager are additions to the ones mentioned above.


 Poetry is currently the most popular alternative for package management and provides quite a few advantages over pip.

Package management

  • CLI commands for managing dependencies
  • Lock files are used to pin dependency versions and are stricter than the requirements defined in the pyproject.toml 
  • Dependency groups, as an alternative to standardised optional groups, can be used as predefined sets of dependencies
  • Extensive dependency resolvers, capable of finding third party version conflicts

Side note: Poetry has been using the pyproject.toml before PEP621 was approved and therefore has its own representation, which is not compatible with the standard version.

Environment management

  • Environments can be located outside of the project root, in the Poetry cache location

The preference for environment management differs per developer and arguments for the latter method often include having a smaller and less-cluttered project folder.

Package development

Python version management

Poetry doesn't support Python version management.


  • Plugin support
Third party dependency conflict
Third party dependency conflict
Classical virtual env vs Poetry cache
Classical virtual env vs Poetry cache


 PDM feels a bit similar to Poetry, but it is critically different in two ways:

  1. PDM follows the PEPs more closely and doesn't want to deviate from them
  2. PDM implemented the idea of venv-less environments

Package management

  • CLI commands for managing dependencies
  • Lock files for pinning dependency versions
  • Fast dependency resolver, which is not as extensive as the one from Poetry, but it is significantly faster

Environment management

  • venv-less: the idea came from PEP582, which was later rejected after it was already implemented by PDM as an option. Since this rejection PDM advises to use the classical way of project-root virtual environments, but they do still support the venv-less solution.

Package development

Python version management

PDM doesn't support Python version management.


  • Plugin support
Lock file
Lock file
Classic virtual env vs venv-less solution
Classic virtual env vs venv-less solution


 Hatch  focusses on package development and has a different approach to environment management.

Package management

Hatch does not support dev dependencies like PDM, has no lock files and has no CLI support for package management. This means that you need to hand-curate the dependencies. Though, the development team of Hatch have announced that they will be working on lock files.

Environment management

  • Environment-specific configurations, like dependencies, environment variables and scripts. It is also possible to use one environment as a template for other environments.

Package development

Python version management

  • Cross-platform (usable for Windows, Mac and Linux users), no build dependencies and uses CPython distributions. For more information, see the explained benefits over pyenv.


  • Plugin support
  • Integrated testing capabilities and a CLI test command
  • Integrated linter and formatter (ruff) and supporting CLI commands
  • uv  support
Environment configurations and inheritance
Environment configurations and inheritance
Test matrix configuration
Test matrix configuration


Rye  is a self-proclaimed "Hassle-Free Python Experience".

Package management

  • CLI commands for managing dependencies
  • Lock files for pinning dependency versions
  • Fast dependency resolver, which is not as extensive as the one from Poetry, but it is significantly faster

Environment management

  • Workspaces, which allow working with multiple packages that have dependencies to each other. All projects in a workspace share a singular environment and are themselves installed in editable mode in this environment, which is great for monorepos.

Package development

  • All PEP517  backends are available

Python version management

  • Cross-platform (usable for Windows, Mac and Linux users), no build dependencies and uses CPython distributions


  • Integrated linter and formatter (ruff) and supporting CLI commands
  • uv support
  • Support for developing Rust Python extension modules
Workspace configuration
Workspace configuration
Rust module directory structure
Rust module directory structure


For a long time, pip has been the dominant package installer in the Python world, but modern solutions like Poetry, PDM, Hatch, and Rye offer much more. They provide advanced features in package management, environment management, package development and Python version management.

Each of these tools have their own strengths:

  • Poetry is widely used, reasonable mature and has a lot of community support.
  • PDM closely follows the PEP standards and has the option for a venv-less solution.
  • Hatch is great for package development with integrated testing capabilities and flexible environment management.
  • Rye feels like the all-in-one tool with features in every category, plus the workspace feature which is excellent for monorepos. Also, Rye has been taken over by team  Astral, the developers behind ruff and uv, who have been looking at unifying uv and Rye.
Detailed visual overview comparing four managers

This is an article by Roy Klip, Data Engineer at Digital Power

Roy is a Data Engineer at Digital Power with a strong background in Software Engineering and Data Science. He enjoys blending these skills in his role, where he focuses on designing, building, and maintaining data pipelines and platforms.

Roy Klip


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