More online conversions thanks to an improved UX thanks to a user experience review

Smart Security Scan

  • Customer case
  • Customer Experience
  • Data projects
Joachim van Biemen
Business Manager
3 min
16 Jul 2018

A Smart Security Scan is a tool that allows you to test the security of websites. The reports showed that something went wrong in the flow where people have to verify their IP address to be able to scan. We went looking for a solution. We also gave tips to optimise online conversion.

Our approach

In an initial meeting, we determined the priorities and scope of the project together. This allowed us to work in a targeted manner and ensure that the developer received useful advice.

Because no data was available, we had to work from a UX perspective. We had the website tested by a number of people. In the meantime, they had to say aloud what they encountered. Based on this, we determined which design patterns would work best. These formed the basis for wireframes which were implemented within the style of the current website.

The result

Based on the user experience review, we wrote an advisory report with the most important focus points. We explained these in detail during a presentation. Based on the results, Smart Security Scan can further optimise the website. This improves the user experience and increases the online conversion rate.

In the future, Smart Security Scan will measure the performance of the new design using web analytics. Performance is continuously increased on the basis of a continuous optimization process.

Want to know more?

Business Manager Joachim will be happy to talk to you about what we can do for you and your organisation as a data partner.

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