Achieve more conversions with CRO

Start by understanding the behaviour of your users

  • E-book
  • Data Analytics
  • Customer Experience
Merel Derlagen
Data Analyst
12 min
23 Oct 2020

Whereas conversion rate optimisation (CRO) used to be mainly in the E-commerce focus, we now see its application in all kinds of forms and fields. The focus here is on improving a particular conversion goal. Whatever your goal is for your organisation or team, CRO requires a good approach. This e-book will help you get started.

This e-book was written by Merel Derlagen and Rico Knopper.

At Digital Power, we define CRO as: "Optimising (digital) touchpoints to achieve more desired behaviour with the focus on creating more business value". So this business value can vary: from cost savings, to retention and upsell.

In this e-book, we further explain the value of using a CRO process. We do this through four themes:

  • What is CRO?
  • Value of CRO for your organisation
  • What does a CRO process look like?
  • CRO process in practice

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