5 metrics for optimising the Customer Experience

Understand your users' behaviour

  • Article
  • Customer Experience
Youp van der Graaf
Data Analytics & CX Consultant
6 min
11 Nov 2019

As Customer Experience Specialists at Digital Power, we regularly come up with 5 metrics that help us measure user quality. With this we are taking the first steps in optimising the Customer Experience. We are happy to walk you through all 5 of them. Are you going to use them from now on to analyse the user experiences of your product or service?

1. Goal Completion Rate (GCR)

If the user does not or does not fully achieve his user goal with your product, this can affect his experience with your product. With the Goal Completion Rate (GCR) we measure to what extent the user has achieved his user goal by asking this specifically with the question: Have you achieved your goal? To which the user answers with Yes, Partially, or No 

It is important to define well in advance what goals the user has with your product. Because you cannot always find out users' goals based on web/app analytics, querying GCR in addition to analysing these analytics can provide valuable information about whether or not you are achieving user goals with your product.

Measurement method: Question + answer scale that measures the extent to which user goals are achieved. 

Calculation: (number of yes responses/total number of responses) 

Have you achieved your goal?
– Yes
– Partly– No

Interpretation: A high GCR indicates that many users are achieving their user goal. 

Advantage: Can provide valuable information about user goals that cannot (always) be traced in Analytics. 

Disadvantage: GCR does not measure exactly which goals users have. 

2. Customer Effort Score (CES) 

The Customer Effort Score (CES) measures how much difficulty the user has in performing a certain task or achieving his user goal, measured on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7. By asking this, it becomes clear how much difficulty a user has in achieving his user goal; an important part of its user experience.

Measurement method: Question + answer scale that measures the amount of effort a user has in achieving his user goal. 

Calculation: (total sum of scores / number of users) 

How much effort did you have to put in to achieve your goal?

1 = Hardly any effort
2 = Little effort
3 = Neutral
4 = A reasonable effort
5 = A lot of effort

Interpretation: A high CES indicates that users have a lot of trouble achieving their user goals with your product. 

Advantage: Because CES only has 1 question or statement, it takes relatively little effort for the user to answer. 

Disadvantage: Possible causes for the inconvenience caused by users are not measured with CES. 

Disadvantage: CES is measured at 1 moment, namely after completing a task. We can therefore not measure with CES which scores users give who cannot complete their tasks.

3. Time on Task (ToT) 

You can also indirectly record the amount of effort a user has had to put in to perform a certain task or achieve a user goal. You do this by measuring the amount of time that the user needs for this.

A high Time on Task (ToT) may indicate that the user has to put in a lot of effort while performing the task. This is for example due to a lack of information, an unclear interface or because the user is too distracted.

When analysing ToT, please note that the ToT will on average be lower in a research setting than in a free setting. It can also distract the user while performing the task.

Measurement method: The measured time a user needs to perform a specific task. 

Calculation: Measures the number of seconds that the user performs a task (using a stopwatch or digital timestamp). 

Example: End time minus start time for performing a task for a user, such as signing up for a newsletter on a webshop. 

Interpretation: A high ToT can show that performing a specific task requires a lot of effort for a user, a low ToT can mean that the task is relatively easy for users to perform. 

Advantage: Time on Task is an objective metric that measures the amount of time a user needs to complete a task, which contributes to the success of a product. 

Disadvantage: In a normal situation for a user, ToT can easily be manipulated by external factors. 

4. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) 

An important part of the user experience is user satisfaction. Using the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), you measure user satisfaction after interacting with your product with a score on a scale of 1-3, 1-5 or 1-7.

Measurement method: A score on a scale of 1-3, 1-5 or 1-7 which shows the satisfaction of users with the interaction with your product. 

Calculation: (sum all scores / number of respondents) * 10 


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Interpretation: The higher the CSAT, the higher the customer satisfaction with (the interaction with) your product. 

Advantage: The measured user satisfaction can determine an important part of the success of your product. 

Disadvantage: CSAT is a subjective metric that is based on the feeling a user has when interacting with your product. This feeling can also be influenced by external factors.

5. System Usability Score (SUS) 

The extent to which the user has experienced the interaction with your product as user-friendly can be measured with the System Usability Score (SUS).

The SUS is measured as a scale based on 10 statements in which the user indicates on a scale of 1-5 to what extent he agrees/disagrees with the offered statement. Within this scale, the even-numbered statements are indicative and the odd-numbered statements are contraindicative. This means that the even statements measure usability and the odd statements measure the opposite.

Measuring method: A scale with which the user-friendliness of a product can be measured: 

Measurement unit: A score on a scale of 1-5 (strongly disagree – strongly agree) on: 

  1. I think I would like to use this system regularly 
  2. I found the system unnecessarily complex 
  3. I found the system easy to use 
  4. I think I need support from a technical person to use this system 
  5. I found that the various functions in this system are very well integrated 
  6. I thought there were too many contradictions in the system 
  7. I can imagine that most people learn to use this system very quickly 
  8. I found the system very cumbersome to use 
  9. I felt very familiar with the system 
  10. I had to learn a lot before I could get started with this system 

Calculation: Subtract 1 point from all contraindications. Subtract 5 points from each indicative statement and add up all the new values. Then multiply this total score by 2.5.

Interpretation: The higher the SUS, the better the user-friendliness of your product. 

Advantage: SUS is a comprehensive scale to measure average usability. Advantage: There are good benchmark options for SUS with which you can compare the usability of your product with other products.

Disadvantage: Because the scale contains 10 statements, it can be very difficult for the user to answer the scale. 

Do you want to get started with the SUS? Then use our form:

When analysing the above-mentioned CX metrics, in some cases it is necessary to combine multiple metrics to gain valuable insights. For example, a user who achieved his goal with relatively little effort within a relatively short time may still be dissatisfied with the interaction or achieving his/her goal. Comparing different metrics with the results of, for example, the CSAT can therefore provide meaningful information about the experience a user has after interacting with your digital application.

Want to measure the Customer Experience? First determine what you want to know and why

How and in which combination you also use the above metrics; when analysing Customer Experience, the most important thing is to have a clear focus on the purpose of the analysis. Therefore, never just start measuring these metrics, but determine in advance exactly what you want to know about the user and why you want to know this.

Only then can you start analysing and optimising CX with which you improve the experience of the users with your website, app or product and the users will add more value for your KPIs

Need help measuring the Customer Experience? Our Customer Experience Specialists are happy contribute ideas. 

This is an article by Youp van der Graaf, Data Consultant at Digital Power

Youp is a Data Consultant at Digital Power and is especially passionate about analysing human behaviour. He helps customers by extracting insights from (user) data so they can make data-driven decisions.

Youp van der Graaf

Data Analytics & CX Consultant

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